Season 1, Episode 03: Born Identity

This week I spoke about discovering her identity in Christ with my friend Dani. She took us on her journey of who she thought she was to who she knows she is now!

Her journey started when her youth group did a series about finding out what “name” you answer to and changing that to what God calls you.

We had a lot of fun making this episode, as she’s one of the funniest people I know, as well as a lot of serious moments.

Dani and I both challenge you discover your new name! The name God calls you!

Quotes from this weeks episode:

“A lot of the time we kinda let the world define who and what we are...when you do that it really leads to negative thinking. It can be difficult to live up to the measures of the world.”

“To me the definition [identity] would be all the traits and good qualities and things the Lord has given you to make you who you are.”

“Now that I know my new name that’s the only voice, the only name that I listen for now. At first my hearing was clouded because I would listen for the old name not even knowing...”

“God doesn’t want me to be in pain, He’s not a God of pain, He doesn’t want you to stay in a low place. If anything He’s the exact opposite...”

“It feels so freeing to just be who you were truly made to be and crafted to be because He like molded each of us a specific way, like we’re all so different but in the perfect way that He wanted to make us and it’s so freeing to fully live in that”

“I knew that my purpose was so much more than what I had let the world define it as for me.”

“The devil tried to steal my joy but he didn’t!”

“Focus on that one still voice, the constant voice, wait for it and know that that’s the only voice that matters out of the masses”

“Take a look into yourselves and seek out what am I answering to right now. Am I answering truly to what God wants me to answer to, am I listening to His voice or is it like something else trying to disguise itself as Him”


Season 1, Episode 04: Beautiful Alignment, Part l


Season 1, Episode 02: Waiting Season